The New Zealand High Commission in New Delhi, India was excited to start the year with a visit from Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Nanaia Mahuta. The minister was welcomed with a waiata and a quick round of briefings for a busy week ahead. The visit is a great opportunity to strengthen the #NZIndia partnership and continue the momentum of ministerial visits on both sides.

Minister Mahuta met with India’s Hon. External Affairs Minister Dr. S. Jaishankar on 7 Feb 2023. The warm and wide-ranging discussion centred on New Zealand and India as important actors in our regions and ways to advance our enduring partnership.

It's great that while she was in New Delhi, the Minister was able to sign the Framework Agreement of the International Solar Alliance and hand it over to India’s External Affairs Minister.

Pacific Shining 2023, hosted at the New Zealand High Commission lived up to its name as we celebrated the cooperation and friendship of our region with India. We joined hands with Papua New Guinea, Australia, Fiji, Nauru, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Palau, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Tuvalu to showcase a bit of the colours, culture and cuisine of this beautiful part of the world.
India’s Hon. Minister of State for External Affairs Dr Rajkumar Ranjan Singh, Fijian Deputy Prime Minister Hon. Prof. Biman Prasad, and other diplomats attended the event. Singer Gem Domiyogo all the way from Nauru, Fijian students who performed a set of traditional dances, and Bhangra performers from the Punjab Academy that got the crowd jiving.

Minister Mahuta met with Madhya Pradesh Minister for Tribal Welfare Hon. Meena Singh Mandve on 10 Feb 2023 and shared some thoughts for her upcoming study tour to New Zealand. Indigenous cooperation can help bring our people closer and deepen ties between our nations.

This was a solar panel with a difference! New Zealand High Commission in New Delhi organized a panel discussion with Minister Hon. Nanaia Mahuta and industry experts to provide insights on new methods and partnerships to enable access to affordable and sustainable solar power.

On her last day in India, Minister Hon. Nanaia Mahuta virtually inaugurated the new office of New Zealand company Fresco Systems in Vadodara, Gujarat, on Friday. From its first Indian office in 2018 in Bengaluru, Fresco, that specializes in powder handling and processing solutions, has expanded in the Indian market successfully. Another success story in the #NZIndia economic partnership.