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11th CII HR Conclave - “Powering Growth with Head, Heart and Courage” on 25-26 Nov 2021

INZBC Secretariat

CII National Committee on Leadership & HR is the platform for the entire HR fraternity in India for sharing perspectives, experiences, representing relevant industry issues related to regulatory bodies, policymakers and employers on people aspects, especially in the context of the dynamically emerging new world of work.

This year the 11th CII HR Conclave is scheduled between 25 – 26 November 2021. The theme of this edition of the Conclave is “Powering Growth with Head, Heart and Courage”.

For Registration and other details, log on to the Conclave website

The Conclave is expected to be attended live by over 1000 senior HR professionals and will witness an amalgamation of insights from futurists, transformation experts, practitioners, thought leaders and happiness Gurus – domestic and international - who have successfully navigated the New World of Work.

The 11th CII HR Conclave will be focused on the central role of HR to:

  • Power Growth by repurposing and remodelling the organization

  • Unravel how organizations are leveraging the interrelated synergies of the New Ecosystem to power growth.

  • Crack the Hybrid Work setting for ensuring productivity, managing employee experience, curating new reward frameworks, and driving organizational culture.

  • Demystify the New Talent Agenda: how can HR build skills for the future to power growth.

  • Drive an Organizational Happiness Index.

The Concept Note is enclosed for your ready reference.

For Registration and other details, log on to the Conclave website

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