INZBC Newsletters
Our monthly newsletter provides the latest trade and business news and updates to our global database.
September| 2023
I’m really pleased to be sending this update after such a successful New Zealand trade delegation to India.
The delegation was New Zealand’s largest ever to India, with around 50 business representatives from a range of sectors who all did a great job of representing our country and business community. The trip was timed to coincide with Trade Minister Damien O’Connor’s visit and it was a real success.
We had strong engagement across government, business and media and we were able to show that New Zealand is willing to invest in the relationship, that we can be a positive partner and to help create commercial opportunities and understanding for participants.
We also couldn’t have asked for a better backdrop as we arrived just after India’s landing on the moon which of course New Zealand businesses Rakon and Rocket Labs played a part in.
It was also really encouraging to see the Minister outline the government’s new strategy for engagement, based on the India New Zealand Business Council report. We are working with the government on the release of its formal response to the report and we will be able to share that with you shortly.
I’d like to acknowledge the partnership of the Employers and Manufacturers Association, Export NZ, New Zealand International Business Forum and Auckland Chamber on this trip and we look forward to continuing to work with them.
There is real momentum in the relationship, and it’s been encouraging to see it being such a focus of both major parties this election.
Our job is to help maintain that momentum and focus and to play our part in strengthening the connection between our two countries and business communities.
Thanks for your support.
July| 2023
Kia Ora, warm greetings from the India New Zealand Business Council.
I’m honoured to be stepping into the role as Chair of the INZBC at a time when there is so much momentum in the relationship between New Zealand and India.
We’ve seen significant engagement between our two governments, with Ministerial visits from New Zealand to India and India to New Zealand, and of course the business activity continues to strengthen.
The INZBC’s report, India and New Zealand, A relationship ready for its next phase, has been incredibly well received and the government is in the process of considering its response. We’ve been really encouraged by the discussions we’ve had on the report and are excited about what comes next. I’d like to acknowledge the leadership of our former Chair Earl Rattray, the support from Duco Consultancy and all those who contributed to such a strong and influential piece of work.
MAY| 2023
Kia Ora, Warm greetings from the India New Zealand Business Council.
The last month has been very hectic with a lot of events and movement in the India-NZ space.
INZBC has released a very important report on the NZ India relations, titled: India & New Zealand - A Relationship Ready For Its Next Phase. This report presents an assessment of the current state of India-New Zealand trade relations, and what the New Zealand-India business community has identified as key steps in progressing the trade relationship.
We also just completed an education conference, for the industry, by the industry. The conference saw business leaders from the education sector, discussing way to move ahead in their sector, with regard to India.
A similar conference was organised in Wellington, for the horticulture sector.
A lot more activities are coming up soon. Please keep in touch with our social media and emailers.
APRIL| 2023
KiaOra, Namaste and greetings from INZBC!
The India New Zealand Business Council today releases a discussion document titled:
India & New Zealand, A Relationship Ready For Its Next Phase, submitted to the government.
This report presents an assessment of the current state of India-New Zealand trade relations, and what the New Zealand-India business community has identified as key steps in progressing the trade relationship.
The India New Zealand Business Council has engaged with its membership and parties interested in lifting the relationship between India and New Zealand. There is a clear consensus that a stronger relationship with India is vital to New Zealand’s economic future.
MARCH| 2023
Kia Ora, Warm greetings from the India New Zealand Business Council.
The first newsletter of 2023 brings with it a positive outlook on the bilateral relations between New Zealand and India. Over the past six months, there has been a significant increase in formal engagement between senior government Ministers and Officials from both countries.
Additionally, the INZBC is currently in the advanced stages of preparing a comprehensive submission to the government. This submission will outline practical steps and initiatives identified by the business community, aiming to enhance trade, cultural integration, and social ties between New Zealand and India. We are optimistic that 2023 will prove to be a productive year in strengthening the relationship between our two nations on multiple fronts.
In recent news, a delegation of Pharma companies from India visited New Zealand. They were hosted by the Indian High Commission and INZBC in Wellington, seeking partnerships and alliances for the export and distribution of Indian manufactured medicines. This delegation was organized by Pharmexcil, the umbrella body of Pharma companies in India.
Looking ahead to 2023, we have a series of business engagement meetings planned.
All of our events offer excellent business networking opportunities, and we encourage all members to keep an eye out for upcoming event notices. We look forward to your presence throughout the year.
Greetings from INZBC !
Hope you had some good rest and break in the New Year!
We start this year, with an incoming delegation from India, of Pharma companies. They are coming to Wellington, to seek partnerships and alliances to export and distribute Indian manufactured medicines. Please see the invite below and do register for the B2B meetings.
Also, we look back at the year 2022, with our annual report.
Do have a look and share your feedback as well.
2023 looks very promising and we hope to meet up with you at our upcoming events.
Greetings from INZBC !
As very busy year draws to a close, we can go into the holiday season reflecting on what has been a very eventful and productive year for INZBC
During the year we have held a series of value adding events, which were well attended and well received. A highlight was being able to resume business delegation visits to India, with our September visit coming just at the right time as India and New Zealand embark on a re-set of bilateral trade settings.
Our annual Summit brought higher resolution clarity and thinking to the next steps in enhancing to NZ business relationships with India, which gives us a strong platform to make greater progress in the year ahead.
On behalf of our INZBC executive team , and all those who are active in the process of building stronger relationships between NZ and India , I wish you a very happy Christmas and a prosperous and rewarding year in 2023
OCTOBER | 2022
The past month has been hectic but very fruitful, with the much publicised delegation visit to India. We are happy to share our trade delegation visit to India was exciting, power packed and hugely successful. We had representatives from over 20 companies as part of the delegation this time, and we organised important meetings with Government of India officials and trade organisations. Our enthusiasm was met equally by our partners and supporters in India who wish for the India-NZ relations to grow by leaps and bounds.
The trade minister, Hon Damien O'Connor was also a part of the delegation. He participated in milestone conversations & was in high-level meetings with the Government of India. Looking forward, we are thrilled to share that our corner stone event, the INZBC Summit is scheduled to happen soon. The summit will be held on Friday, 11 Nov 2022, at Stamford Plaza, Auckland. The broad theme this year is: The road ahead for India New Zealand commercial relationships. The tickets are now LIVE, you may see further details below. More details about the sessions and speakers will be released soon, follow us on social media for updates.
We are thrilled to share that preparations are in full swing for our upcoming trade delegation traveling to India soon. We have around 25 companies as part of the delegation this time, and we have prepared a power packed 3 day schedule with meetings & networking opportunities.
We are happy to welcome some new strategic partners - Duco Consultancy and Immigration Advisers New Zealand Ltd. We also have New Zealand Trade & Enterprise joining us as associate partners.
In other news, we had a very successful and informative panel discussion recently, on the IT Sector and its contribution to NZ's economic growth. A big thank you to all the speakers and attendees for their support. And last but by no means the least, we are back with the INZBC Summit! The summit will be held on Friday, 11 Nov 2022, at Stamford Plaza, Auckland. The broad theme this year is: The road ahead for India New Zealand commercial relationships.
JULY | 2022
We have a few important and exciting announcements to share with you in this newsletter.
After a few years of disruption due to COVID, we are finally able to resume taking a business delegation from New Zealand to India. The aim of this delegation is to support and promote India-NZ trade ties. More details and tentative schedule for the visit can be found below.
We are happy to welcome a new strategic partner, University of Auckland. They will be supporting INZBC and its activities as knowledge partners. INZBC will be organising a discussion on IT Sector: Emerging Trends, Post COVID, with prominent speakers from HCL, BNZ and NZTech. More details will be released soon, but you may register your interest to attend the same here.
JUNE | 2022
We are happy to announce the release of a report on the Pharma Landscape of New Zealand. This report is a comprehensive guide on how the pharmaceutical industry works in New Zealand. Commissioned by the Indian High Commission, the report has been researched and prepared by INZBC, for the Indian industry. It is being released digitally today, free of cost.
Also, we are announcing the intention to take a business delegation to India, for the FICCI annual conference, in Sep this year. Please see details below.
We have successfully completed our first export-import workshop, in Auckland earlier last month. A summary of that is also given below.
APRIL | 2022
We are thrilled to announce our latest strategic partnership with Bank of New Zealand. We thank the team at BNZ for their confidence and faith in us, and look forward to a successful work relationship. We would also like to thank our other new partners, Zespri, New Zealand Airline Academy and MartinJenkins.
We recently had the honour of partnering with The Indian High Commission and Wellington Chamber of Commerce, to organise a panel discussion on 'Women in Business' - New horizons and old challenges. This virtual event saw some very amazing, successful women share their inspiring stories and supporting others in their journey. Below are the videos and highlights of the event. In this newsletter, we have also shared the video from our last online event on India's Budget highlights, and other industry news from India and New Zealand.
India's Union Budget 2022 was released on 1 Feb 2022, by the Finance minister, Nirmala Seetharaman, who said that the Budget gives a blueprint of economy from India at 75 to India at 100, citing the four pillars of development — inclusive development, productivity enhancement, energy transition and climate action. Highlights of the budget can be found below. In this newsletter, we have shared details of upcoming trade events, and other industry news from India and New Zealand.
For the year ahead, we are all looking forward to the day we can resume seamless travel. INZBC will be hosting a series of forums through 2022 focused on import and export trade.
We have seen the value of being able to assemble highly relevant speakers and engaged audiences through technology to augment physical meetings, and I trust you will be able to join us at some of these events during the coming year.
This newsletter contains details of upcoming events and significant news items.
In this newsletter, we have announced a few upcoming partner events. The High Commission of India in Wellington, NZ is organising an interactive business session in Wellington on 25 Nov 2021. Further details of the same can be found below.
Dr S Jaishankar, India’s Minister of External Affairs and Nanaia Mahuta, New Zealand’s Foreign Affairs Minister discussed Covid-19, and international travel in a phone conference. Please read more about their conversation below.
OCTOBER | 2021
In this newsletter, we present to you the latest issue of our quarterly magazine 'KiaOra India'. The cover story is an interview with the New Zealand Minister for Transport, Michael Wood who outlines the Government’s efforts to push down transport emissions and gives us a peek into the future of New Zealand’s electric and hybrid cars ecosystem.
Consequently, in this issue, we also bring perspective from Amitabh Kant, CEO of NITI Aayog on a re-imagined approach to enhancing infrastructure investment to revive economic growth post COVID in India. Bhavish Aggarwal, Co-founder and CEO of OLA gives us a peek into the future of mobility with Ola.
This newsletter has details of our upcoming event, and also features videos from our last online seminar on the Pharma landscape in NZ. For those on missed out and could not attend the meeting, we recommend you watch the videos as the discussion was very helpful and insightful.
This newsletter also has other industry news and updates included for you to browse through.
AUGUST | 2021
We have an upcoming online seminar in association with PHARMAC NZ, on Friday, 17th September 2021. Details of the event can be found below, please register to attend!
INZBC is supporting FICCI in its upcoming global thought leadership initiative LEADS 2021, updates for the same can be found below. This newsletter also features a few upcoming trade events and informative articles, do give them a read.
JULY | 2021
We are happy to share that the INZBC Summit 2021 was a successful event appreciated and supported by all the speakers, guests and attendees. The theme this year is 'Decade of The New Normal' in keeping with recent COVID times. Please find event pictures in this newsletter.
The latest issue of KiaOra India, INZBC's quarterly trade magazine was also released at the summit. Link of this magazine can be found here.
JUNE | 2021
More than 28 esteemed speakers will be joining us, details are shared below in the Summit schedule. The theme this year is 'Decade of The New Normal' in keeping with recent COVID times. The format of the summit this year will be hybrid (Physical + Virtual).
Please find ticketing details in this newsletter, book yours now as seats are limited!
APRIL | 2021
Our annual INZBC summit is scheduled for 23-24 June 2021. We hope you will be able to join us. This will be a hybrid summit, combined with both physical and virtual events.
We are also proud to inform you that HCL Technologies Limited has come on board as a Strategic Partner for the summit. In this newsletter, we also present stories from our latest digital issue of KiaOra India magazine.
MARCH | 2021
Due to sudden lockdowns we had to postpone our annual summit to the new dates 23-24 June 2021. We hope you will be able to join us in June. This will be a hybrid summit, combined with both physical and virtual events. Please find details of the event in this newsletter, and register as soon as possible if you haven't already!
JANUARY | 2021
Announcing the INZBC Summit 2021, India - New Zealand: Decade of the New Normal,
17th-18th March 2021. This will be a hybrid summit, as it will be a physical and virtual event. Please find details of the event enclosed, and sign-up for our mailing list to express your interest. In this newsletter, we also present to you the Event Report of our events from 2020, a year that mostly saw virtual events but we did conduct a few successful physical networking events.
This Christmas, we take time to reflect upon the good things we have… like our partnership with you. We appreciate working with you and hope that the holidays and the coming year will bring you happiness and success. We have all adapted this year. We at INZBC have done multiple webinars and a few physical networking events too. We hope that we emerge stronger next year, with your support.
With the industry figures coming out now, of the first QTR of this year, we have seen a drastic decline in the GDPs of India and New Zealand. Economists are optimistic though that the economies will recover fast and soon, as the COVID threat recedes due to vaccines. Read this newsletter for more details.
APRIL | 2020
In this newsletter, we have published the April issue of our magazine, Kia Ora India, which highlights the recent trip of Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters and Minister David Parker, to India with a senior business delegation. A lot was achieved in terms of New Zealand reaching out to India at the highest level, politically and business-wise.
We ended the year with an interaction with H.E. Muktesh Pardeshi, the Indian High Commissioner for his perspectives on India - New Zealand business relations, challenges and opportunities. We extend a warm welcome to the new members of INZBC and thank all our supporters for their help. Looking forward to a good and prosperous 2020, happy holidays!
AUGUST | 2019
The past month has been a very busy one, with incoming delegations from India. One was from the Pharma industry export council, which did a round table with the industry stakeholders and B2B meetings with our members. We also hosted a study tour of the Maharashtra Pollution Control Board.